First things first:
After spending the entire week (ugh!!) down with the nastiest case of bronchitis to come down the pike, I rallied enough today to wander into my basement cave to work on unfinished projects.
I began this quilted picture years ago - like maybe 5 or 6 years ago, and sweet Laura asked me to finish it for her - last year.
Apparently I have some congenital problem finishing projects, and so year after year, and move after move, my projects pile up and taunt me everytime I venture into the studio. The guilt that attacks me when I accidently catch a glimpse of an unfinished project wounds me to the core - especially when I avert my gaze, and then promptly begin a brand new project. Thank goodness I don't parent my children the way I treat my projects!
I don't know what prevents me from project completion. I guess I think some of them aren't finish-worthy, or some of them need to develop a little more, or I've lost interest, or I have too many irons in the fire, or whatever. In this case, I could not get the height/width proportions correct. I'm still not sure they're right, but I can't diddle with it any more. It's done. Beaded. Embellished. Complete. Now to get it to Laura. . .
I have another completed project below. Okay - it's technically ALMOST completed. I need to square it off, and trim the threads
and find a frame. Ugh - that proportion thing is going to rear its ugly head again, I just know it.
This one is the Naval Academy skyline under a setting sun. I started this one about this time last year, and had it almost finished and then set it aside. I don't know why. Did I think it would improved if it was shoved in the bottom of my scrap stash? Who knows. When I pulled it out today, I decided it was good enough. I'll trim it, square it, frame it, and I'll do something else with it. I just don't know what yet.
Onto other things.
In the excitement (not) of my week of bronchitis, I missed my one year bloggiversary! It was yesterday - but since I am almost always a day late and a dollar short, I'm observing this auspicious occasion today. And I've decided to do a giveaway.
Oh don't ask me what the giveaway is. It will be a surprise, but I promise it will be a fun surprise. I'll prowl through my goodies and come up with something appropriate to the one year anniversary of a blog that doesn't know if it wants to be about cooking, decorating, sewing, thrifting, painting, reading or ranting. All you have to do is leave a comment, and on Monday I'll draw a winner. (Not with a pencil, you understand).
The drawing will be done is a most un-technical manner, as the addition of my new blog banner used up any technical know-how that I'm likely to possess for the next year or so. (You peeps who know how to personalize your blogs ROCK. I bow to you. I'm not worthy to know you. It took me three, THREE, frickin' hours to change my banner. but I digress. again.)
I think only about 3 people read this, so the drawing should be easy. Surprise me, leave a comment and I'll see what I can do about putting together a fun package.
Oh - and college football is back.
Go NaVy!!