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« Dang! We Had Fun! | Main | Lovin' the Stripes »

April 16, 2008



Dang Dang Dang, that one is beautiful! Guess you don't have to use the faux marble contact paper I did on the stairs? ha
A MAN picked out that beautiful grey? I think not.
You've earned it but yeah, those boxes and all, Dang.


It's too fab. You'll be glad soon and the memory will wear down just like child birth except haven't you birthed, what, 50 houses by now? Gotta see the new digs in person. I've heard they have a Baltimore Cup Cake Co. in Annapolis and then there's Whole Foods (yes, they go together...or cancel each other out), and I can think of many a reason to pop in at any time...watch out! Oh,the wall pocket used to be mine, too!!!!!

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