Here's a small example of decorating on the cheap. This is a wall in my foyer that displays some of my blue and white dishes. I collect pieces of blue and white china all of the time - it's plentiful, can be found inexpensively and it's versatile. These plates are a collection within a collection - I try to find blue and white souvenir plates from all of the different places we've lived. These have all come from thrift, junk or antique shops and the most that I spent on any one of them is $16. Most were less than $10. I have plates representing Texas,Virginia, Georgia, Maine, and New Hampshire. I still need to find Maryland, Washington State and South Carolina.
We had the walls painted Behr Antique Red and love it. It's warm and inviting and really makes a statement. The lamp was a Tuesday Morning find and the teapot was a gift from friend years ago. The oak chest was purchased from my friend Joann when she upgraded her children's furniture, and the barley twist style stand with the candle was a Southern Living at Home purchase. I use it all of the time - sometimes it has candles on it, sometimes it has appetizers, or seashells or Christmas ornaments. It's very versatile too! The mirror is something that was in John's family, and it really is falling apart. If you so much as sneeze in that direction, I am sure it will disintegrate, but until then I'm enjoying it!
Love how you arranged the plates on the wall. Just beautiful!!
Posted by: JeanetteS | September 28, 2006 at 09:33 PM